Friday, October 31, 2008

Cruzando fronteras

The annual APHA conference was in San Diego this week. I joined a Border Health tour down to San Ysidro to visit a bi-national clinic there, and was also able to enter quarantine HQ at the border.

Dr. Talavera is standing in the central square of the border clinic, sharing some of its history with us.

They are building a new neonatal center this year, with hopes to complete the project by the end of next year.

From inside border security, we could see the heavy traffic coming through the líneas.

Someone was apprehended while we were visiting...

This the western-most point of the border between the US and Mexico. They say that within the next year, there will probably be a triple layered metal fence to replace what currently shares the likeness of a shabby beach hostel property line drawn in the sand. Although not depicted in this shot, there is constant military surveillance by land, air and sea. American territorialism at its finest.

I really wished I'd had my other camera with me that day. Perhaps one day I will return, but surely things will have changed by then.


Unknown said...

This is great. Very interesting stuff. Glad to see some posts here! And glad to see you...never seen you 'dressed up' before! he he. So professional!

lio evilo said...

Thanks and thanks! :) It was an amazing experience. I will try to start posting more again!